Every single decision in life is about taking risks! Today, I want to share with you my inner process to choose as a braver.

              I think that if you do not know something that could take your attention from somebody, you should not spend your time in it. That is why I would like to tell you a little bit about me.

     I am a curly girl who loves advertising, colors, animals, and my family, obviously. I lived in Colombia most of my life; however, I decided to move to the Big Apple, two years ago. I have always felt big admiration for letters, that is why I used to write (in Spanish) for myself, and only one or two people could read my handwriting. Nonetheless, I gave up my writing the same day I took the airplane to the United States.

    I think was because of my fear or maybe, was just lack of inspiration. But, I believe it is time to return. As you see, today I am taking three risks: One, I am writing again. Two, I am doing it in another language. Three, I am sharing my words with the world. Although, to be honest… These are not the only risks I am taking now. Somebody taught me once that we need to read in between lines, so if you are a good reader, I am pretty sure you will figure it out.

      To start, I want to go back to the exact moment I left (for a while) my professional and intimate life in my native country. That time when I decided to take a risk and start from zero in the USA. A place with a different culture, language, and… a bunch of strangers.

      I remember it was a hard situation. I recall every single opinion I received, advice, judgement, encouragement, and each support I accepted for my decision. It was not easy, but I always kept in my mind one thing: What can I win or lose?. Clearly, in that moment everything that I could win looked kind of different or weird… I do not how I could call it, but definitely it looked strange.

                 Here among us, I never was completely sure about my choice. I never felt a hundred percent confident with it, I had many reasons to stay in my hometown: big and successful opportunities in my career, the best family one could wish for, my gorgeous friends, and a big city I will always love, Bogotá.

           That day, with my eyes full of tears, my head full of fears, my heart full of memories and feelings, and my shoulders full of weight. I did it. I just jumped into the void, and left me carry for the adventure, adrenaline, risk, and fear of the unknown. I was completely sure that if I was going to fail; it was not going to be the first nor last time. I knew life is about risks, adventures, tears, relationships, love, breakups, ups and downs, and specially, decisions. But, if I was wrong, life by itself was going to show me the right way to get back up on my feet stronger and braver than last time.
Even thought I was literally dying of fear, I did it. I took the risk, and I can say that if I had not done it, I would not be writing this. Maybe, I could be asking myself: why did not I choose the other option?

May-June2012 (862)

       In brief, if you want to incorporate something new in your life, you have to take risks no matter what. In order to decide and take the risk, you should follow these three simple steps, at least they have worked for me.

1. Do not think too much about it! Remember, who thinks a lot about something, ends up giving up.
2. Close your eyes and jump! Who said life was easy, fair or monochromatic? Try any other color and even every single taste.
3. Open your eyes, and make sure you hugely believe in yourself! If you do not do it, how do you expect someone else to do it for you?

       Finally, please hold on tight! because this world belongs to the brave and only you choose to be part of the team or just sit down and watch life go by in front of you.


***You can find the Spanish version in my previous post.***


  1. excelente post definitivamente un cambio de vida de vision y de horizonte…. es genial ver que tomaste ese riesgo y lo convertiste en oportunidad para mejorar. eres una gran mujer… un abrazo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Siempre tenemos miedo a lo desconocido, el miedo aparentemente es el sentimiento que nos permite “estar seguros o en nuestra zona de comfort” pero quedarnos alli no significa ganar. Soy de las que prefiero arrepentirme de haber echo algo, que arrepentirme de no haberlo echo y quedarme con la incógnita what if..? . .. cheers 🥂 for the adventurous

    Liked by 1 person

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